Socio-Economic Scenario Of Scrappers And Their Role In Municipal Solid Waste Management In City Of Varanasi

IJEP 41(1): 94-99 : Vol. 41 Issue. 1 (January 2021)

Vijai Krishna*, Dharmendra Kumar, Rajni Srivastava, Himanshu Kumar and Anil Kumar Pandey

Banaras Hindu University, Institute of Environment and Sustainable Development, Varanasi – 221 005, U.P., India


Scrappers or scrap dealers or scrap traders play an important role in the municipal solid waste management of a city, like collection, storage, sorting, reuse and recycling of waste. Scrapping has become a livelihood practice of a large group of people especially in developing countries, where government authorities are not much efficient in waste management. Scrappers not only clean the cities but also help the city authorities by doing so. But their socio-economic condition is not well. In this research paper the results of a survey have been discussed to assess the socio-economic scenario of scrappers in the city of Varanasi of Uttar Pradesh state in India, like education, health, entertainment, help from NGOs, police harassment and their practice of waste collection, storage, sorting, selling, etc. The results of the survey clearly indicate that the socio-economic condition of these scrappers is very bad and need the attention of government and waste management authorities for the improvement of them.


Scrappers, Municipal solid waste management, Socio-economic scenario, Varanasi


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