IJEP 41(12): 1352-1359 : Vol. 41 Issue. 12 (December 2021)
Adewoyin Olusegun Oladotun, Omeje Maxwell*, E.S. Joel, M.R. Usikalu, S.A. Akinwumi and T.A. Adagunodo
Covenant University, Department of Physics, College of Science and Technology, Ota, Ogun State, Nigeria
This study presents the assessment of radiometric analysis conducted to determine the activity concentrations of natural radionuclides and the possible radiological hazards in ceramic tiles that are available in the Nigerian markets. The analysis was carried out on twelve tiles using gamma ray spectrometer. The tiles were grouped into three classes according to their country of production-locally made tiles, Indian and Chinese products. The results obtained revealed the activity concentration of 238U, 232Th and 40K to be in the range of 35.64-112.35, 33.20-81.54 and 134.10-663.07 Bq/kg for Nigeria products and a range of 18.68-94.47, 68.60-104.28 and 351.90-787.77 Bq/kg for both Indian and Chinese products, respectively. Further study was carried out to compare the components of the tiles available in Nigeria with the ones imported to other countries by both India and China, it was observed that the activity concentrations of Indian products are far higher than their products in Nigeria while in Chinese products the concentrations are far lower than what is available in the market in Nigeria. Moreover, the results of the radium equivalent activity, absorbed dose rate, external hazard index and gamma-index revealed that the quality of tiles imported to Nigeria from India and China are far safer than their products in other international markets. Indian products in the international market pose more risk to the users than their Chinese counterparts. Therefore, it is recommended that the Nigerian government should encourage locally made tiles and in the case of importation, Chinese tiles are highly recommended.
Radionuclides, Radiological hazards, Radiometric analysis, Gamma-index, External hazard index
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