IJEP 41(2): 213-217 : Vol. 41 Issue. 2 (February 2021)
Sana’a Odat*
Yarmouk University, Department of Earth and Environmental Science, Irbid, Jordan
The average emission rates of nitrogen dioxide (NO2) have been measured in the city of Sahab, southeast of Amman, Jordan. Sahab is a famous city for its industrial estate. Data obtained from the Ministry of Environment for 6 years for pollutant emissions and meteorological conditions (February 2010-December 2016). The results from the monitoring showed that the average annual NO2 concentration was 19.8066 ppb, compared to the monthly average of 17.34 ppb. The most recent monthly average was 1.358 ppb in July 2015 also the highest average of all months in all years in April, it was 23.638 ppb. The findings of the statistical review indicate that the annual NO2 average does not surpass the Jordanian ambient air quality limits allowed by the guidelines. The forecasted variability in the season shows that the level of NO2 was typically higher in winter than in summer, due to low temperatures, high average moisture and increasing NO2 sources which increase NO2 emissions. In order to understand the high NO2 concentrations at the residential site, environmental data have been analyzed (mainly wind and wind directions). The research has shown that the winds hit calm and south. This ensures that such winds do not disperse or minimize pollution but increase the concentration of pollutants. More than 77% of the wind is blowing at 0-5 m\s level. This wind blow contributes to the accumulation of its concentrations. There has been a negative association (r =-0.5217, p<0.001) between NO2 concentrations and wind speed. This situation shows that air pollution dilutes with dispersion when the wind speed is high. The negatively correlated between NO2 and wind direction (r= -0.6932, p<0.001) is also found. It may be clarified that the most commonly occurring wind path at the measurement site increases air pollution mitigation.
Nitrogen dioxide, Air pollution, Statistical analysis, Sahab industrial estate, Meteorological parameter
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