A Case Study On Smart Water Management With ‘AMR’ Solution In Coimbatore Corporation

IJEP 41(3): 303-307 : Vol. 41 Issue. 3 (March 2021)

N. Balasundaram* and A. Senthil Baskar

Karpagam Academy of Higher Education, Department of Civil Engineering, Coimbatore – 641 021, India


The present study focused on minimization of loss of treated potable water and loss of revenue. By utilizing the technology of the smart water management system, by using automatic meter reading, it was proved efficient and profitable. A huge amount of money was being wasted on treatment plants, storage and maintenance. To have control over the usage of treated water, water was supplied uniformly in limited quantity through meters. This study was less tedious than older ones, as it needed less manpower and helps to know the quantum of water actually discharged. The smart water management systems help us, to minimise the loss of water and revenue. From the result obtained from the sample study, it was decided to implement this automatic meter reading (AMR) technology to the entire Coimbatore Corporation.


Automatic meter reading, Smart water meter, Meter reading, Bulk water supply reading, Treated water


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