Topographical, Pedological And Physico-Chemical Analysis Of Various Soil Samples For Wheat, Barley And Mustard Production At Dehradun

IJEP 41(3): 354-360 : Vol. 41 Issue. 3 (March 2021)

M. Amin Mir1, Mohammad Waqar Ashraf1 and Bilal Ahmad Mir2

1. Prince Mohammad bin Fahd University, Department of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Al Khobar, Dhahran – 34754, Saudi Arab
2. Uttaranchal (P.G.) College of Bio-Medical Sciences and Hospital, Department of Environmental Sciences, Dehradun – 248001, Uttarakhand, India


Soil study was carried out at two sites of the Sahasthdhara region of Dehradun in order to know the exact relation between the soil minerals and the type of crop which could be cultivated here. The concerned region was analyzed for the topographical, pedological and physico-chemical analysis. In the study, it had been found that the concerned region is suitable for the cultivation of wheat and barley. The whole region of Dehradun has a temperate climate and the selected sites were found in a good condition for the cultivation of wheat and barley. The two sites have an appropriate soil particle size, particle density, particle porosity, pH, conducting salts, mineral composition and other factors. The Sahasthdhara region is well fertile and multiple crop cultivation especially wheat and barley could be carried out very easily.


Topography, Pedology, Soil, Minerals, Physico-chemical parameters


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