IJEP 41(4): 456-460 : Vol. 41 Issue. 4 (April 2021)
C. Sharma1* and R. Payeng2
1. Indian Council of Forestry Research and Education (ICFRE), Environment Management Division, Dehradun, India
2. Dimoria College, Department of Environment Management, Khetri, Assam, India
Swidden cultivation is practiced by tribes in hilly regions of northeast region of India. It is seen both as source of livelihood and environmental destruction. The study was conducted to assess the soil quality in different fallow periods of swidden cultivation in high elevation areas of Dhomara Hills of Assam. The important soil quality indicators, namely texture, temperature, moisture content, bulk density, pH, organic carbon, total nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium were investigated in 5 stations under different fallow periods and compared with a nearby natural forest vegetation. The study revealed that different fallow periods under the shifting cultivation area differ in soil physico-chemical parameters. Different measures can be adopted for maintaining and restoring the soil fertility for long term success of a shifting cultivation system.
Physico-chemical properties, Soil organic carbon, Soil quality, Swidden, fallow period
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