Physico-Chemical Characterization Of The Products Of Composting And Co-Composting From The Sludge Of The Wastewater Treatment Plant Of Fez And The Pomace From The Region Of Ain Taoujdate (Morocco)

IJEP 41(5): 542-549 : Vol. 41 Issue. 5 (May 2021)

F. El Fettahi1, S. Njimat1, L. Krim2 and S. Ibn Ahmed1*

1. University Ibn Tofail, Laboratory of Organic Chemistry, Catalysis and Environment, Department of Chemis-try, Faculty of Sciences, Kenitra, Morocco
2. Hassan II Institute of Agronomy and Veterinary Medicine, Soil and Water Management Unit, Department of Natural Resources and Environment, Rabat, Morocco


Sludge disposal is a major challenge in the management of wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) residues. Indeed, sludge is known to be a high-risk source of environmental pollution. The objective of the present work is to research and propose a variant for the elimination and recovery of sludge from Fez WWTP through its co-composting with pomace from the agricultural area of Ain Taoujdate (Morocco). The study thus focused on the production of three composts coming from sludge and pomace in varying proportions. Composting was practised in greenhouses by the method of turned upside down windrows for 105 days. For a better characterization of the final products, the analyses focused on physico-chemical parameters that are of major importance in reasoned fertilization and soil reclamation programmes. The conduct of these analyses allowed a better understanding of the combined effects of composting and doses of substrates tested. This characterisation will ultimately make it possible to classify composts by chosen indicator and also to judge their degree of maturity and stability.


Wastewater treatment plant sludge, pomace, co-composting, physico-chemical characterization


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