IJEP 41(9): 1054-1058 : Vol. 41 Issue. 9 (September 2021)
Parul Kumar and Sushma Jain*
Government Dungar College, Post-graduate Department of Chemistry, Bikaner – 334 003, Rajasthan, India
The present analysis was carried out to assess the suitability of groundwater for drinking with respect to fluoride and nitrate. Excessive intake of fluoride and nitrate may cause human health risks. A total of 30 representative groundwater samples were collected during pre-monsoon of 2017 from different rural locations in Ellenabad area and analyzed for various quality parameters. The fluoride concentration ranged from 0.6-7.2 mg/L and the nitrate concentration ranged from 6.8-45.2 mg/L. A total of 22 samples out of 30 have high concentrations of nitrate and 8 samples out of 30 have high concentrations of fluoride exceeding the permissible limits of WHO (10 mg/L and 1.5 mg/L, respectively). The human health risk associated with the intake of fluoride and nitrate was calculated for infants, children and adults separately. The present study clearly suggests that prior treatment of water is necessary to prevent people from health issues by the intake of fluoride and nitrate via drinking water.
Fluoride, Groundwater, Health issue, Nitrate, Quality, WHO
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