IJEP 41(9): 1059-1065 : Vol. 41 Issue. 9 (September 2021)
Zulfikar1*, Nasrullah1, Wiwit Aditama1 and Aris Yulianto2
1. Health Polytechnic of Ministry of Health, Department of Environmental Health, Aceh Besar, Indonesia
2. Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia, Center for Research and Development of Health Resources and Services, Jakarta, Indonesia
High iron (Fe) content provides fishy metallic taste and odour to water, causes brown stains on clothes, on the walls of the tub, pipe blockage and disrupt public health. High levels of iron and total dissolved solids (TDS) also affect the degree of acidity (pH) and the quality of clean water, therefore appropriate but effective technology is required to reduce the levels of iron and TDS in water. The objective of the present work is to evaluate the effect of duration of coconut shell activated charcoal immersion on iron (Fe) content, pH and TDS levels in dugwell water. Six durations of immersion treatment were established in this study, namely 5 min, 10 min, 15 min, 20 min and 25 min. The study treatment used 0.5 g of coconut shell activated charcoal which was immersed in 1000 mL of dugwell water. Data analysis was performed using the statistical package for social sciences (SPSS/version 22) programme. One-way Anova test was used to find significant differences between the experimental groups followed by the Post Hoc least significant difference (LSD) test to compare the significance between each experimental group at a significance level of 0.05. The results obtained show a highest mean decrease in Fe level in the 25 min immersion of 0.718 mg/L or 79.249%, the greatest increase in the pH was found in 25 min immersion of 0.63 or 9.62% and the highest decrease in total dissolved solid (TDS) was found in 25 min immersion of 109 mg/L or 26.5%. From results, it can be said that duration of coconut shell activated charcoal immersion have an affect on Fe, pH and TDS levels in dugwell water. It is expected that the community can use coconut shell activated charcoal as a media for dugwell water processing to gain most effective Fe, pH and TDS levels.
activated charcoal, coconut shell, Iron, pH, Total dissolved solids
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