IJEP 42(10): 1167-1177 : Vol. 42 Issue. 10 (October 2022)
Ritvik Rai1, Kanishk Chaudhary2 and Uma S. Dubey3*
1. BITS Pilani, Department of Mechanical Engineering and Biological Sciences, Rajasthan – 333 031, India
2. BITS Pilani, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Rajasthan – 333 031, India
3. BITS Pilani, Department of Biological Sciences, Rajasthan – 333 031, India
Stubble burning and its resultant pollutants have adversely affected the environment and posed serious health hazards. It is very important to understand the situation from the farmer’s perspective and from the perspective of conserving the environment. In the present study, a critical analysis of stubble burning and its effects on the neighbouring city of Delhi has been done with the help of satellite imagery and simultaneously analysing the air quality index. The effect of pollutant dispersion on neighbouring areas has been studied at the time point when stubble burning takes place and over the following time intervals in the adjoining area. Furthermore, this study conducts an economic analysis of biogas plant establishment, biogas and biofertilizer generation from stubble and its sale. Thus, this study provides an opportunity analysis on how the stubble can be put to better use to produce utilizable cooking gas and fertilisers, which can directly benefit farmers, besides being economically and environmentally rewarding. The paper concludes with policy-related suggestions including setting up of corporative societies including the farmers as participants.
Satellite imagery, Stubble burning, Sustainable agriculture, Pollution, Biogas, Anaerobic digestion, Farmers
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