Enhancement in California Bearing Ratio values of expansive soil sub-grades using Bagasse ash and Geosynthetics

IJEP 42(12): 1501-1508 : Vol. 42 Issue. 12 (December 2022)

A. N. Swaminathen1*, C. Rajakumar2 and C. Vivekkumar3

1. Adi Shankara Institute of Engineering and Technology, Department of Civil Engineering, Kalady, Kerela – 683 574, India
2. Gudlavalleru Engineering College, Department of Civil Engineering, Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh – 521 356, India
3. Gokaraju Rangaraju Institute of Engineering and Technology, Department of Civil Engineering, Hyderabad, Telangana – 500 090, India


The pavement structure retort depends on the sub-grade characteristics, which provide the support base. Problems allied with the construction of pavement become far more critical, particularly in regions where the sub-grade consists of expansive soils. For the design of pavements, the California bearing ratio (CBR) value is a required parameter that decides the strength of the sub-grade soil. An attempt has been made in the present study to estimate the soaked CBR of highly compressible clayey (CH) soil stabilized with bagasse ash and reinforced with geotextiles. The soil is treated with sugarcane bagasse ash (BA) in varying percentages and geotextile reinforcement in varying layers. The CBR test on the stabilized and reinforced soil specimen is conducted to assess the strength of the soil specimen. The impartial of this paper is to predict the CBR value by correlating the optimum moisture content, maximum dry density, plasticity index, percentage of BA and the number of geotextile layers. The linear relationships between the above-mentioned properties and CBR value using multiple linear regression analysis resulted in a strong correlation between the parameters.


Expansive soil, Bagasse ash, Geotextile, California bearing ratio, Multiple linear regression analysis, Artificial neural network


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