IJEP 42(14): 1686-1693 : Vol. 42 Issue. 14 (Conference 2022)
Sheikh Kamran Abid*, Noralfishah Sulaiman, Shiau Wei Chan and Umber Nazir
Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, Faculty of Technology Management and Business (FPTP), 86400 Parit Raja Batu Pahat Johor, Malaysia
This research briefly discusses socio-spatial inequalities related to flood vulnerability and resilience and focuses on the concept of living with floods and their impacts on the residents. Flood resilience literature emphasises that living with floods and the narrative of sustaining and thriving frequently overlook and ignore the resident’s diverse socio-spatial vulnerabilities, resilience and capacities. This research investigates possible socio-spatial inequalities and flood resilience in Sarawak, which has recently suffered heavy flooding and promotes citizen participation in flood risk management. Literature review and indicator-based quantitative techniques determine socio-spatial inequalities and assess flood vulnerability and resilience in Sarawak. The research also highlighted the types of social resilience inequalities in Sarawak. Existing, worsening, hidden vulnerability inequalities are now relevant due to the risk of flood rains and new imbalances in the ability to meet the obligations resulting from the change to living with floods. The study found that heavy rainfall, literacy level, gender, elderly, and population in the area were the highest vulnerable indicators. The study also provides for broader conversations about flooding resilience in flood risk. It enables urban planners to examine the relationships in public resource allocation between vulnerability and capability in their various communities.
Flood, Socio-spatial, Risk management, Flood vulnerability, Flood resilience
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