Optimising Lipid Productivity from Mix-culture of Chlorella sp. and Monoraphidium sp. for Biodiesel Production

IJEP 42(14): 1701-1708 : Vol. 42 Issue. 14 (Conference 2022)

Astri Rinanti1*, Melati Ferianita Fachrul1, Istikhomah Putri Ayuwaningsih1, Amani Karima1 and Rini Setiati2

1. Universitas Trisakti, Environmental Engineering Department, Faculty of Landscape Architecture and Environmental Technology, Jakarta, Indonesia
2. Universitas Trisakti, Petroleum Engineering Department, Faculty of Earth Technology and Energy, Jakarta, Indonesia


This research aims to study the potential of tropical microalgae that cause blooming in water areas, namely Chlorella sp. and Monoraphidium sp. as biodiesel raw material and determining the qualitative results from biodiesel characteristics. The mixture culture was cultivated with a batch culture technique. Urea was added as a nitrogen source; meanwhile, the optical density measurement was conducted using a UV-visible spectrophotometer. Lipid level analysis and dry microalgae weight in exponential phase were conducted following Bligh and Dyer method. Fatty acid contents in biodiesel were identified using gas chromatography mass spectrometry (GCMS). The result shows that the best harvesting period is during the exponential phase, which is the 9th day. In this condition, we acknowledge that the highest dry weight was 0.15% (w/w). The highest lipid content was 25.20% (w/w). The GC MS test analysis result shows presence of three fatty acid, namely linoleic acid (10.35%), palmitic acid (5.10%) and linolenic acid (3.30%). This research has provided information that all three types of mixed cultures of microalgae can be used as an alternative for biodiesel production without extraction.


Microalgae, biodiesel, Chlorella sp., Monoraphidium sp., renewable energy


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