IJEP 42(2): 209-217 : Vol. 42 Issue. 2 (February 2022)
M. Rajamehala1*, A. Kaviprabha1, B. Gopalakrishnan2 and A. Muthu Kumara Pandian1
1. Vivekanandha College of Engineering for Women, Department of Biotechnology, Elaiyampalayam – 637 205, Tamil Nadu, India
2. Annamalai University, Department of Chemical Engineering, Annamalai Nagar – 608 002, Tamil Nadu, India
Nanocomposite is a solid material where one of the stages has one, a couple of components under 100 nanometer or structure having nano-scale repeat isolates between the qualification arranges that make upto a material. This audit talks about the items, applications and mechanical improvements in polymer, earthenware and metal nano- composites. It is indicated that polymer nanocomposites and the materials utilized in their creation are industrially accessible and discovering applications in a few enterprises, including car, military and nourishment, due to their improved mechanical, electrical and warm properties. Fired and metallic nanocomposites are at a prior phase of advancement and a basic issue to determine is upgrading the scattering of nanomaterial in the networks.
Nanocomposite, Nanomaterial, Earthenware, Metal, Polymer
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