IJEP 42(5): 585-590 : Vol. 42 Issue. 5 (May 2022)
Ildiko Tulbure1,2,3* and Marius Berca3,4
1. Decembrie 1918 University, Alba Iulia, Romania
2. Clausthal University of Technology, Clausthal-Zellerfeld, Germany
3. Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Doctorate School of Materials and Environmental Engineering, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
4. Oltenia Energy Complex, Targu Jiu, Romania
The innovative thinking way of human beings has always supported desired increase in human’s quality of life. Nevertheless emerging industrial activities have had positive desired impacts on human’s quality of life and also negative undesired ones, especially on environment and society. Undesired impacts of conventional energy technologies have especially been perceivable on environment. In this regard chances and challenges of energy technologies during their whole life cycle should be considered, starting with corresponding energy supply systems. These systems, which are widely based on fossil fuels, since a while starting to use also renewable energy resources, have to be carefully analysed and assessed by considering assure sustainability of human society. In this regard not only technological and economic criteria have to be taken into account but also environmental and social ones. By using methods and instruments of technology assessment, environmental impacts of energy supply systems can be holistically analyzed and assessed. In this regard corresponding environmental footprint will be established for energy supply systems in the context of a Romanian case study and compared to Indian situation in this field. Optimizing odds of energy supply systems can be in this way recognized in order to minimize environmental impacts.
Energy supply system, Environmental impact, Technology assessment, Environmental footprint, Sustainable development
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