Microarthropod Communities as a Tool to Evaluate Soil Quality in Tea Agroecosystem: The Biological Quality of Soil Index

IJEP 42(6): 670-675 : Vol. 42 Issue. 6 (June 2022)

Saddam Syed and D.C. Ray*

Assam University, Soil Ecology Laboratory, Department of Ecology and Environmental Science, Silchar – 788 011, Assam, India


Attention has been given to the concepts of soil quality and soil health as a result of the implementation of sustainable development goals. Soil quality is the capacity of soil to sustain and function effectively as a component of healthy environment. The present study was conducted to assess soil quality with the use of soil microarthropods as indicated by biological quality of soil (QBS-ar) index in two tea agroecosystems with different agronomic practices, namely organic and conventional, located in south Assam.The QBS index is an approach to evaluate soil quality based on the microarthropod fauna present in the edaphic environment. Each type that occurred in the soil samples is given a score ranging from 1-20 called eco-morphological index, based on its adaptation level in the soil environment. The QBS values are slightly higher or similar in the organically managed system as compared to the conventionally managed one. The soil quality of the organic site ranged from medium to very good while that of conventional site was medium only during the sampling periods. The study encourages application of indicator values based on microarthropods to soil quality, management and conservation studies.


Biological soil quality index, Eco-morphological index, Microarthropods, Biological quality of soil (QBS-ar), Soil quality


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