IJEP 42(7): 823-830 : Vol. 42 Issue. 7 (July 2022)
E. Sarojini*, B. Kamal, S.D. Anitha Selvasofia and S. Kanchana
Sri Ramakrishna Engineering College, Department of Civil Engineering, Coimbatore-641 022, Tamil Nadu, India
Waste management technologies are slowly streamlining through the proper technique of separation from the source, collection, right packaging, storage, safe transportation, disinfection, treatment and disposal that can prevent the environment. A numerous quantity of biodegradable clinical waste is burned for energy recuperation. All incineration-based technology, hydroclave, microwave, autoclave, etc., for the treatment of infectious biomedical waste (IBMW), is capital intensive and also costly to operate. Disposing of ash is a severe problem because the ash which is buried in the landfills leaches the area and causes extreme contamination to soil, water and species in the surrounding environment. Consequently, low price treatment alternatives are needed as an opportunity to control BMW. The study was carried out to treat the IBMW without inflicting any drastic results and to destroy pathogens effectively with the usage of alkaline solution and solar energy. Lime and neem (Azadirachta indica) leaf extracts have been tried as a disinfectant of pathogens in infectious biomedical waste. Solar strength has the potential to break pathogenic organisms of infectious biomedical waste and will be effectively utilized for disinfection purposes. The performances of all treatments have been analyzed through alkalinity COD and electric conductivity. The identity of the microorganism via gram staining technique, bio-assay, MPN values, morphological study and the presence of bacterial colonies have been determined using popular plate count method. The first-order kinetic model was derived from the biological parameters. The destruction of pathogens in infectious biomedical waste was achieved by 99% of microbes in 6 hr detention period by the combined effects of solar disinfection with a lime solution.
Infectious biomedical waste, Lime, Neem (Azadirachta indica), Solar disinfection, kinetic study
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