IJEP 42(9): 1051-1060 : Vol. 42 Issue. 9 (September 2022)
Sithara K. Urumbil*, Jasmine Mariya A.J. and Merin George
Little Flower College, Department of Botany, Guruvayur, Thrissur – 680 103, Kerala, India
Air pollution is major environmental issue facing around the world. Covid-19 the pandemic which smashed all the socio-economic development of the countries also have an impact on human activities in all fields. The drastic reduction in transportation due to lockdown to control the spread of virus reduced the emission of toxic pollutants from vehicles. The air quality analysis studies indicated an increase in quality in post-covid lockdown period. Plants are always exposed to air pollution and they cope with increasing air pollution in various ways. Air pollution tolerance analyses were always performed to assess the tolerance and susceptibility of plants to air pollution. Large scale planting of tolerant plants in urban areas for creating green belts and reducing air pollution is a common practice. In the present scenario a comparative evaluation of air pollution tolerance index of plant was performed by comparing the tolerance index in pre and post-covid lockdown period. A reduction in tolerance index can be significantly correlated with reduction in air pollution after the lockdown period.
Air pollution tolerance index, Pre and Post-Covid 19 lockdown period, Ascorbic acid content, Linear regression
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