IJEP 42(9): 1101-1107 : Vol. 42 Issue. 9 (September 2022)
Bikram Prasad1, H. L. Tiwari1*, R. Galkate2 and Shashank Khare1
1. Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology, Department of Civil Engineering, Bhopal – 462 003, Madhya Pradesh, India
2. National Institute of Hydrology, Regional Centre, Bhopal – 462 016, Madhya Pradesh, India
Rainfall runoff relationship in which rainfall is transformed into runoff is extremely complicated as there is non-linear variation with time and spatial distribution. Advancement of technology has played a major role in the development of many models which sorted out the problems of humans on a large scale. In this study the estimation of runoff for Wainganga river sub-basin through HEC-HMS modelling had been determined. The various landuse land cover (LULC) classes, as well as the various hydrological soil groups (HSGs), had been discussed. Different model performance characteristics had been compared after the calibration and validation process and the model’s applicability for the study area had been observed. The meteorological model was created using rainfall data in HEC-HMS and the control specifications determined the simulation run’s duration and time phase. The calibration was carried out for the time period of 2016 – 2018 with Nash Sutcliffe efficiency coefficient, NSE=0.81 and coefficient of determination, R2=0.87 which proved more efficient upon validation for 2019 – 2020 with NSE=0.85 and R2=0.95. The calibrated and validated results showed a minimal difference and very good agreement between simulated and observed runoff values.
HEC-HMS, Rainfall runoff modelling, ArcGIS 10.8, Landuse/land cover, Hydrological soil groups, Nash Sutcliffe efficiency, Coefficient of determination
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