Effectiveness of Rice Crop Residue and Vermicompost on Prevention of Pesticides Leaching through Soil

IJEP 43(1): 48-54 : Vol. 43 Issue. 1 (January 2023)

Shri Krishna Singh and A.R. Quaff*

National Institute of Technology, Department of Civil Engineering, Patna – 800 005, Bihar, India


In this paper, effectiveness of two organic amendments, namely the vermicompost (VC) and rice crop residue (RCR), as a reducer of leaching potential of two pesticides, namely atrazine and carbendazim is presented. The studied soil was a sandy clay loam (1.52% of organic carbon, 53% of sand, 19% of silt and 28% of clay) collected from open field near Phulwarisharif, Patna, India.  The soil was amended at the rate of 10% weight by weight with VC and RCR. Pesticide’s breakthrough curves obtained from soil column show the leaching potential of both pesticides but in different proportions. Relatively high reductions in leaching of both pesticides were observed in the RCR amended soil as compared to VC amended soil. Due to rice crop residue the reduction of atrazine leaching was 60.7% whereas due to vermicompost it was only upto 37.3%. Similar trends were obtained with carbendazim pesticides. The reduction of carbendazim leaching due to RCR and VC was 68.8% and 45.3%, respectively. The RCR was found more effective as a barrier for reduction of leaching of the studied pesticides as compared to VC. Results also suggest that rice crop residue is more effective in accumulation of both pesticides as compared to vermicompost.


Carbendazim, Atrazine, Leaching, Soil, Crop residue, Vermicompost


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