IJEP 43(10): 889-898 : Vol. 43 Issue. 10 (October 2023)
Hemen Deka1*, Priya Borah1 and Jyotismita Das2
1. Gauhati University, Department of Botany, Guwahati – 781 014, Assam, India
2. Nowgong College (Autonomous), Department of Zoology, Nowgong – 782 001, Assam, India
The present investigation aimed to study the potentiality of indigenous earthworm species Perionyx annulatus (Michaelson) for vermicomposting of noxious aquatic macrophytes water hyacinth in two seasonal trials: summer and winter of 2020-2021. The experiment was carried out in earthen pots taking water hyacinth and cow dung as the substrate in the proportion of 5:1. The results revealed that P. annulatus can effectively convert the substrate materials into fine homogenous end products (that is vermicompost) after 120 days of experimental trials. The vermicompost samples showed significant reduction in C/N ratio, enhancement in ash content and nutrient content. Further, FTIR spectroscopic evaluation of vermicompost samples showed reduction in aliphatic components and increase in nitrogen enrich compounds. Seasonal variation plays a significant role in overall vermicomposting process and there was higher production of vermicompost, earthworm cocoons, population and biomass in summer than in winter period.
Perionyx annulatus, Biomanagement, Water hyacinth, Potential, Seasonal influence
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