IJEP 43(13): 1197-1204 : Vol. 43 Issue. 13 (Conference 2023)
Rahul Ray1*, K. Praveen2 and L.B. Roy3
1. GLA University, Department of Civil Engineering, Mathura – 281 406, Uttar Pradesh, India
2. Sri Venkateshwara College of Engineering, Department of Civil Engineering, Tirupati – 517 502, Andhra Pradesh, India
3. National Institute of Technology, Patna, Department of Civil Engineering, Patna – 800 005, Bihar, India
The concept of minimum flow, which was once thought to be inadequate for aquatic systems to exist, sparked the creation of environment flow research. Rivers are subjected to a variety of factors that enhance their flows, including hydropower plants, flood dams and irrigation canals. Several types of research have been conducted in order to mitigate the harmful impacts of these constructions on waterways. Environmental flow research has grown as water has become the most important component that must be protected along the riverbed. For the assessment of environmental flow, different hydrological methods are used, namely the annual distribution (AMD), flow duration curve analysis (FDCA), low flow index and the tennant method in the Gandak river in Bihar, India. The annual distribution method revealed low alteration compared to the tennant method of hydrological alterations and environmental flow components, allowing us to conclude that the AMD method is better than the tennant method. As a result of the study’s findings, it was found that the annual distribution method is more appropriate for e-flow implementation to satisfy the annual dynamic demand of the riverine ecosystem and thereby preserve the river’s health. This case study may be utilized as a reference point for allocating environmental flows in the Gandak river, especially for small hydropower facilities.
Environmental flow, Annual distribution method, Tennant method, Gandak river, Bihar
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