Environmental Effects of Cement Production and a Sustainable Solution: Review

IJEP 43(13): 1221-1231 : Vol. 43 Issue. 13 (Conference 2023)

Prashant Sharma* and Sudhir Kumar Goyal

GLA University, Department of Civil Engineering, Mathura – 281 406, Uttar Pradesh, India


The aim of this review paper is to provide comprehensive knowledge of alternative fuels and alternative materials for cement and its production. Due to rapid urbanisation and the demand for luxury lifestyles, the depletion of natural resources has led to high carbon emissions, global warming, ozone layer depletion, etc. In this review article, some alternative fuels are suggested based upon the different articles reviewed with alternative cementitious materials, like granite dust, marble dust and different types of agriculture waste ashes, like rice straw ash, wheat straw ash, bamboo leaf ash, banana leaf ash, plantain peel ash and coffee husk ash. Replacing cement in an appropriate ratio leads to a reduction in carbon emissions. Several mechanical and durability properties were reviewed and suggested as optimal replacement values for cementitious materials from different waste materials.


Carbon emission, Sustainable materials, Agricultural waste


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