Polluted Water Treatment by Photocatalysis Degradation Process    under Sunlight using SnO2/CuO Nanocomposite via Hydrothermal Method

IJEP 43(14): 1299-1309 : Vol. 43 Issue. 14 (Conference 2023)

Rawasi Ayad Al-Mousawi*, Khaldoon N. Abbas, Mahasin F. Hadi Al-Kadhemy and Asrar Abdulmunem Saeed

Mustansiriyah University, Department of Physics, College of Science, Baghdad, Iraq


This paper studies photocatalytic degradation, a process where the organic contaminant in water is degraded. The catalyst used in this study is (SnO2/CuO) nanocomposite with different concentrations synthesized by hydrothermal method. X-ray diffraction, FESEM, FTIR and UV-visible spectrometry were used to examine the materials’ morphology, surface content and structure. The results from XRD reveal that the crystal structure of samples exhibits two phases comprising SnO2 structure that possesses a tetragonal rutile and a tetragonal cell of metallic tin (Sn). FESEM images detect that the change of precursor concentration in the range of 0.1-0.05 M influences the shape of the nanocomposite and has an amazing effect on the diameter size of as-grown particles. The FTIR spectra’s presence of vibrational bands corresponding to CuO and SnO2 confirms that these materials exist in the nanostructure, showing that the binaries of metallic oxides have integrated successfully. In UV-visible., the absorption increased with increased thickness. The energy gap dropped from 2.82 to 2.72 eV with rising thickness. The photodegradation property of SnO2/CuO nanocomposite was studied using Methylene Blue model pollutant and the maximum values of efficiency of nanocomposite ranged from 94.28-92.85% at 135 min. Consequently, the catalysis of SnO2/CuO increased the photodegradation of Methylene Blue. The research aims to remove organic pollutants from the water and wastewater by photocatalysis and to preserve the environment, a preparation method was chosen with low-temperature materials that are low-cost, environment-friendly, renewable, high efficiency and non-toxic.


Environmental pollution, Water pollution, SnO2-CuO, Photocatalytic, Methylene Blue, Hydrothermal, Structural, Morphological, Optical properties


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