Reference Maps for Cohesion of Karbala Soil using GIS

IJEP 43(14): 1338-1343 : Vol. 43 Issue. 14 (Conference 2023)

Haneen M. Ali1, Raghad Adel1, Jawad K.Thajeel1 and Ahmed Raad Al-Adhadh2*

1. University of Thi-Qar, Department of Civil, College of Engineering, Thi-Qar, Iraq
2. Al-Muthanna University, Department of Civil, College of Engineering, Samawah, Iraq


The preliminary design of any building should include soil feature maps as a data resource. Soil cohesion is important in the theories and calculations for designing shallow and deep foundations. However, mapping soil qualities is expensive and time-consuming, especially in areas with complex topographic circumstances. This study used the ArcGIS 10.7.2 programme and the inverse distance weighting (IDW) method to develop coherence maps for soils at a depth of 20 m in Karbala. Then, the contour maps were created to give a general overview of the soil cohesion property, which is one of the crucial characteristics considered while designing the foundations’ bearing capacity. A database was created that can be updated whenever new data is available to store the location of borehole data in addition to other services provided by the GIS database. The results of the digital maps show that the sandy, silty soil layers are dominant and the cohesion value ranges from 8-14 kpa. From a statistical standpoint, the results show acceptable and positive soil cohesiveness mean error values (-0.219, -0.225, -0.258, 0.266, 0.255, 0.263) and root mean squared error values (1.707, 1.943, 1.978, 1.077, 1.977, 5.364) for the six layers.


Cohesion, Mapping, Geographic information systems, Inverse distance weighting


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