IJEP 43(5): 467-474 : Vol. 43 Issue. 5 (May 2023)
Amerah A. Radhi1* and Mohammed A. Fayad2
1. University of Technology-Iraq, Baghdad, Iraq
2. University of Technology-Iraq, Energy and Renewable Energies Technology Center, Baghdad, Iraq
River water is considered an important source of surface water. The treatment of river water has become more important because of the low water resources as well as to reduce the risk of pollutants. The advanced treatment system of the river water was performed in this study. The system consists of aeration and double filtration with two types of granular activated carbon (GAC) and sand; study was performed to determine its influence in reducing turbidity, organic matter (COD, TOC) and coliform, faecal coliform. Aeration process was used in this study for water treatment and then filtrate was passed through a filter containing granular activated carbon (GAC) and sand together, having different particle sizes. System efficiency was evaluated at different time intervals by monitoring the values of COD, TOC, turbidity and coliform and faecal coliform. The samples were analyzed before and after treatment. The treatment can remove COD, TOC, turbidity and coliform, faecal coliform by 95, 90, 94 and 78%, respectively. After two week study, it was found that aeration and then filtration could be significantly effective in removing studied parameters.
River water treatment, Total organic carbon, Chemical oxygen demand, Total coliform
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