IJEP 43(9): 829-834 : Vol. 43 Issue. 9 (September 2023)
Navneet Kumar1 and D.K. Sinha2*
1. Teerthanker Mahaveer University, Department of Chemistry, Moradabad – 244 001, Uttar Pradesh, India
2. K.G.K. (P.G.) College, Department of Chemistry, Moradabad – 244 001, Uttar Pradesh, India
Water is necessary element for the continued existence and sustenance of life on the globe. River water contamination by effluents from manufacturing units has been given a large amount of notice because of their low biodegradability and poisonous effect. The present study aims to estimate concentration of some of most important chemical constituents of river water. From the results, we conclude that water quality of Ramganga river changed from moderate to extremely bad after discharge of industrial effluents. The area of study is losing water quality continuously at present.
Industrial effluent, Water quality, Wastewater
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