IJEP 43(9): 858-864 : Vol. 43 Issue. 9 (September 2023)
S. Dhanapal1, J. Caroline Rose2* and M. Venkatasalam1
1. Arignar Anna College (Arts and Science), P.G. and Research Department of Biotechnology, Krishnagiri – 635 115, Tamil Nadu, India
2. St. Joseph’s College of Arts and Science for Women, Hosur – 635 126, Tamil Nadu, India
The current research looks at the acute toxicity of fungicides, like carbendazim and mancozeb on the freshwater fish Labeo rohita. For 96 hr, the fish were exposed to various concentrations of carbendazim and mancozeb. The 96 hr LC50 value of carbendazim and mancozeb was found to be 0.076 g/L. Several histopathological abnormalities in fish organs were found, which will be beneficial in determining the harmful impact of carbendazim and mancozeb. Microscopically, histopathological alterations in the gills, liver and kidneys revealed growing and decreasing damage in tissues treated with carbendazim and mancozeb in comparison to that of control groups that had normal architecture. The study gives an awareness of the usage of fungicides, such as carbendazim and mancozeb in the future as the usage may cause histopathological issues.
Carbendazim, Mancozeb, Fungicide, Histopathological alterations
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