Adsorption of fluoride from water: A review on novel adsorbents Used for defluoridation, regeneration and Field application

IJEP 44(4): 311-325 : Vol. 44 Issue. 4 (April 2024)

Akash S. Jadhav* and Madhukar V. Jadhav

SRES Sanjivani College of Engineering (Affiliated to Savitribai Phule University Pune), Department of Civil Engineering, Kopargaon – 423 603, Maharashtra, India


Fluoride exposure beyond its allowable bound is notable threat to human well-being worldwide. Drinking water is the prime source through which human beings are majorly exposed to fluoride. The need to find fluoride removal techniques has been point of investigation for many years due to its detrimental effects on teeth, skeleton and other body parts due to excessive exposure. Amongst all available techniques for fluoride eradication, adsorption is the most extensively utilized and investigated way owing to its advantages, such as its inexpensiveness, ease of application, ease of applicability, etc., among other existing methods. In this paper, fluoride adsorption studies of various adsorbents done in last half of a decade are assembled and signified graphically from significant available literature records. The requisite of finding simply available, cost-effective, non-toxic and competent adsorbents to reach the rural fluoride affected area is persistently observed from the literature survey. The current paper reviews the existing approaches and evolving tactics of fluoride eradication from water and compiles the work done by current researchers to assess regeneration and field suitability of adsorbents.


Fluoride, Adsorption, Adsorbents, Batch study, Regeneration study


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