Examining the Influence of Consumption Value on Green Purchase Intention for Energy Efficient Appliances: Implications for Environment Protection and Sustainable Consumption

IJEP 44(4): 333-339 : Vol. 44 Issue. 4 (April 2024)

Neha Prakash and Anand Thakur*

Central University of Punjab, School of Management, Bathinda – 151 401, Punjab, India


Environmental protection is the buzzing word as the world suffers from pollution and health hazards. The rising population, increasing propensity to purchase and changing lifestyle have significantly contributed to the rapid purchase of home appliances. It is fundamental to comprehend the elements that induce consumers’ inclination to purchase energy-efficient appliances (EEAs). Drawing on the theory of consumption values (TCV), the present study empirically analyses consumers’ purchase intention of EEAs and offers valuable implications for environmental protection and sustainable consumption. Data (n=399) was collected through a structured questionnaire from the National Capital Region, India. CB-SEM technique has been employed to validate the hypotheses. The results indicate that green purchase intention of EEAs is shaped by functional, conditional and epistemic values among millennial consumers. Furthermore, the findings offer valuable insights to environmental strategists on the crucial role that knowledge, novelty seeking, price, quality and contingent conditions play an important role in achieving energy efficiency through EEAs.


Consumption value, Energy efficient appliances, Environment protection, Green purchase intention, Millennial


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