Adsorption Studies of Moringa oleifera Seed Powder in removal of Cadmium, Zinc and Chromium from Water

IJEP 44(5): 387-395 : Vol. 44 Issue. 5 (May 2024)

Venkata Maruti Prasad S.1,2, S. Ramakrishna3* and H. Ramamohan4

1. Aditya Institute of Technology and Management, Department of BS and H, Srikakulam – 532 201, Andhra Pradesh, India
2. Dr. B.R. Ambedkar University, Department of Chemistry, Srikakulam – 532 410, Andhra Pradesh, India
3. Govt. Degree College (Men), Department of Chemistry, Srikakulam – 532 001, Andhra Pradesh, India
4. Aditya Institute of Technology and Management, Department of Civil Engineering, Srikakulam – 532 201, Andhra Pradesh, India


This work suggests the use of natural alternative coagulation method in the removal of Cd, Zn and Cr compared to chemical coagulants as they are toxic, unfriendly and unaffordable by nature, which are commonly used. The functional groups present in the Moringa oleifera seed powder (MOSP), which help in the adsorption of metal ions were identified and analysed by Fourier transform infrared (FTIR). It is identified that, at optimum levels of pH and dosage, the maximum elimination of Cd, Zn and Cr was observed at 89.01, 80.74 and 69.24%, respectively. The physico-chemical characteristics of metal ions and the selective biosorption of MOSP functional groups are consistently correlated in single sorption, with the order of biosorption preference being Cd, Zn and Cr. Due to the fact that the sorption capacities (qm) of MOSP for Cd, Zn and Cr were 6.40, 5.77 and 4.25 mg/g, respectively, in comparison to Freundlich models, the adsorption values fit more closely. MOSP adsorbent favoured the adsorption processes of Cd, Zn and Cr in acquiring the separation factor (RL) at the required range of 0-1. Hence, this study emphasizes the effective adsorption of MOSP in removal of heavy metal ions from contaminated water.


Moringa oleifera seed powder, Adsorbent, Langmuir adsorption, Freundlich adsorption, Separation factor, Adsorption capacity


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