IJEP 44(6): 483-494 : Vol. 44 Issue. 6 (June 2024)
Tarak Nath Chell , Debanjan Bagui, Arnab Jyoti Mandal, Ratan Mandal* and Tushar Jash*
Jadavpur University, School of Energy Studies, Kolkata – 700 032, West Bengal, India
The following study presents an analysis and comparison of monocrystalline (m-Si) and polycrystalline (p-Si) based grid-connected solar phototvoltaic (SPV) systems based on the existing market cost of photovoltaic (PV) components including PV modules, inverters and electrical and mechanical equipments alongwith necessary accessories for a 5 MW SPV power plant at Saboo village, Ladakh, India using PVSyst. The study revealed that the average yearly energy generation for m-Si is 11.34 GWh and 11.32 GWh for p-Si PV systems. The levelized cost of electricity (LCOE), payback period and return on investment (ROI) for m-Si and p-Si PV systems are 1.495 INR/kWh, 638%, 3.2 years and 1.450 INR/kWh, 674%, 3.1 years, respectively. Throughout the lifetime of proposed PV plant, a total emission of 203.3 ktCO2 for m-Si and 202.8 ktCO2 for p-Si can be averted. Performance results indicate that in terms of efficient energy generation and performance ratio (PR), m-Si PV system has a slight edge over p-Si PV system. However, due to the affordability of p-Si module, the initial investment cost for the p-Si PV system can be lowered by upto 5% compared to m-Si PV system which makes it economically more viable.
Solar photovoltaic power plant, Performance ratio, PVSyst simulation, Techno-economic analysis, Performance parameters
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