Investigation on Possibilities of Constructed Wetlands and its Energy Management Potential: A Review

IJEP 44(6): 507-521 : Vol. 44 Issue. 6 (June 2024)

Shilpa Saha1, Malabika Biswas Roy2, Ratan Mandal1 and Pankaj Kumar Roy3*

1. Jadavpur University, School of Energy Studies, Kolkata – 700 032, West Bengal, India
2. Women’s College Calcutta, Department of Geography, Kolkata – 700 003, West Bengal, India
3. Jadavpur University, School of Water Resources Engineering, Kolkata – 700 032, West Bengal, India


Constructed wetlands (CW) are built to replicate natural wetlands’ processes, for instance, vegetation of the wetland, soil characteristics and related micro-organisms to assist in the treatment of wastewater. The major benefits of CWs are that they are based on the concept of natural and sustainable ecological processes. CWs are one of the most used technologies for wastewater treatment in both developed and developing countries. This review evaluates the current research on important aspects of wastewater treatment through CWs. Furthermore, online database of Scopus has been used for bibliometric analysis and finding the significant research trend by using the keywords ‘constructed wetlands’ and ‘energy’. VOSviewer software has been used for different citation related network analyses. The discussions on bioenergy production and methane generation from CWs showed CWs as emerging field of research and potentialities of CWs in water quality treatment have also been discussed. Various new dimensions have been explored which include CW systems developed as a microbial fuel cell system, integrated reed bed system, etc., that can be utilized for the generation of bio-energy. This review provides guidance and innovative perspectives for effective development of CW systems in more effective manner.


Constructed wetlands, Energy, Wastewater, Wastewater treatment, VOSviewer


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