Green Chemistry: A Catalyst for Achieving Sustainable Development

IJEP 44(6): 553-561 : Vol. 44 Issue. 6 (June 2024)

Yogesh C. Goswami* and Ranjana Goswami

ITM University, School of Sciences, Gwalior – 474 001, Madhya Pradesh, India


Green chemistry, introduced around two decades ago, aims to reduce or eliminate the utilization of hazardous substances in the creation, manufacturing and utilization of chemical products. By curbing environmental harm and advocating for minimal waste production, green chemistry plays a pivotal role in driving sustainability. In the current era, adopting a green chemistry approach has become indispensable for steering towards a sustainable future. This review paper explores the multifaceted contributions of green chemistry to sustainable development, encompassing its principles, applications and impacts across various sectors.


Green chemistry, Sustainable development goals


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