Recyclable Materials – An Approach Towards E-Waste to E-Wealth

IJEP 44(6): 570-576 : Vol. 44 Issue. 6 (June 2024)

Rwitabrata Mallick1*, Gourav Singh2 and Ashish Sharma3

1. Amity University, Department of Environmental Science, Amity School of Life Science, Gwalior – 474 005, Madhya Pradesh, India
2. ITM University, Department of Environmental Science, Gwalior – 474 001, Madhya Pradesh, India
3. Amity University, Amity School of Architecture and Planning, Gwalior – 474 005, Madhya Pradesh, India


Electronic waste is a term, that is characterized as any abandoned object that contains a battery, plug or dangerous substances, like mercury that represent a serious threat to the environment and human health. E-waste is produced by a variety of home appliances, including computers, washing machines, refrigerators, stereos, copiers and fax machines. The generation of electronic garbage is expected to reach a staggering 57.4 million tonnes in 2021 or 7.6 kg/person on Earth, according to UN forecasts. Only 17.4% of this dangerous electronic garbage, which also contained valuable elements, was acknowledged as having been properly gathered, handled and recycled. It is important to transform e-waste into eco-friendly and commercially viable compounds or substances. The management of enormous and expanding amounts of electrical and electronic trash, which is increasingly acknowledged as one of the most significant environmental issues facing emerging countries, particularly India, adds to this load. Because of the extremely serious environmental and health risks it presents, e-waste has grown to be a bigger issue than any other type of waste. If e-waste is not properly disposed of, the myriad harmful substances it contains have the potential to seriously affect the environment as well as both human and animal health. If we don’t turn e-waste into e-wealth, the future of humanity is seriously in jeopardy.


E-waste, E-wealth, Environment, Economy, Toxic, Health


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