Wildfire Resistance by Applying Adobe Construction Material in Vellore Reserve Forest

IJEP 44(7): 665-672 : Vol. 44 Issue. 7 (July 2024)

Yara EzAl Deen Sultan* and Kanni Raj Arumugam Pillai*

Vel Tech Rangarajan Dr.Sagunthala R&D Institute of Science and Technology, Department of Chemistry, School of Science and Humanities, Chennai – 600 062, Tamil Nadu, India


Global calamities, such as wildfires, pose a threat to all nations and ecosystems. In light of the numerous anthropological and natural causes of forest fires, precautions should be taken to lessen their negative consequences. The preventative methods were made clearer using the experimental technique, which was utilized to document all experimental steps. The author of this article proposes using adobe material as a remedy for this devastating problem since it slows the spread of the fire. Growth triangles, an engineering approach that aids in distributing the adobe material in a systematic and scientific manner, are also used. In this study, Indian forests are specifically highlighted as a case study with potential worldwide application. The present article recommends using eco-friendly materials to protect the environment and be economical because doing so makes it easier to utilize adobe construction everywhere.


Wildfires, Adobe construction material, Tree trunks, Growth triangles


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