A review on Passive Daylighting systems in buildings

IJEP 44(8): 758-768 : Vol. 44 Issue. 8 (August 2024)

Alok Kumar Maurya, Ravish Kumar* and Ajay Kumar

National Institute of Technology, Department of Architecture and Planning, Patna – 800 005, Bihar, India


Since ancient times, humans have utilized natural light to illuminate buildings. Natural light, bestowed upon us by the natural world, possesses an irreplaceable full spectrum that distinguishes it from electricity. The dynamic nature of natural light, characterized by its ever-changing intensity, colour and temperature, contributes to a lively interior ambiance that enhances the occupants’ experience. However, this variability necessitates careful management within buildings to mitigate issues, like glare, highly reflective surfaces and poorly lit spaces. In the pursuit of a more sustainable built environment, the significance of daylighting design has risen prominently in contemporary architecture. Daylighting strategies contribute to a reduction in reliance on artificial lighting, thus fostering sustainable development. These strategies involve harnessing sunlight directly through the integration of daylight systems into buildings, offering a cost-effective, environment friendly and ecologically conscious alternative to the indirect conversion of electricity for lighting, even when sourced from renewable means. This paper presents a comprehensive review of contemporary daylighting technologies and their capacity to illuminate indoor spaces by capturing and distributing sunlight.


Daylight, Daylight indices, Daylighting system with shading, Daylighting system without shading, Windows


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