Evaluation of Soil Quality Monitoring and Land Restoration in Ecological Restoration Areas of JCF, Northern Jharkhand, India

IJEP 45(1): 77-85 : Vol. 45 Issue. 1 (January 2025)

Bidisha Ganguly and L. B. Singh*

Binod Bihari Mahto Koyalanchal University, Department of Life Science (Zoology), Dhanbad – 826 004, Jharkhand, India


The current investigation’s objectives are to determine the restoration of the ecosystem due to restoration programmes on overburden dumps started by Bharat Coking Coal Limited (BCCL), Dhanbad. The land restoration was analyzed by remote sensing and GIS datasets for ten-year gaps in 2013 and 2023. The landuse/land cover (LULC) analysis shows an increase in coal mine areas and industrial areas built nearby. Due to the ecological restoration programmes, the vegetation and waterbodies are sustained enough for the living of the nearby people. The pedological parameters of four ecological restoration areas have been studied and it has been found that the parameters are sufficient for the growth of new plants. The multipurpose plants planted and the native plants grown on the sites had been studied with their socio-economic benefits. The insects, also called primary consumers, have been studied in the ecological restoration areas. The presence of Orthopteran and Lepidopteran species indicates the complexity of the ecosystem, which needs further studies. 


Ecological restoration, Ecological indicators, Land reclamation, Landuse and land change, Pedological parameters, Sustainability


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